Stargate asgard ship designs

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This is about right for the Pegasus Dwarf Irregular Galaxy.ģ million light years in 4 days is 750,000 light years per day. The Gate Bridge was said to be 3 million light years long. With a ZPM, we know the Daedalus can travel to Pegasus in 4 days. I've heard estimates of being able to travel within minutes between Earth and another Galaxy. Estimates I have heard about the Asgard put their potential speeds at far higher. The Asgard can potentially cross the entire universe in just 102 years, assuming they can travel to Andromeda in just a day. The estimated size of the observable universe is 93 billion light years in diameter.ĩ3 billion is 93,000 million. Lets assume that an O'Neill class ship by the Asgard can make the trip in one day, 24 hours. I decided to do some basic math using some assumed figures.Īndromeda Galaxy is approximately 2.5 million light years away. On the order of significantly faster than even a ZPM equipped Daedalus.

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Asgard hyperdrives on Asgard ships appear to be very fast. Something that I had talked about with Chris O'Farrell a while back. Do we have some good figures on hyperdrive speeds in Stargate? Not just how long it takes to travel somewhere, but the distance involved and possible speeds? I'm looking for Asgard figures, Daedalus with and without ZPM, and some others.